Safety Riding Education

As a part of increasing students’ awareness in riding, on Tuesday, August 15,2023, SMKN 1 Tengaran held a program entitled “Edukasi Safety Riding SMKN 1 Tengaran”. It was held on the third-floor hall of SMKN 1 Tengaran.

The participants were all Teknik Sepeda Motor students from tenth grade. There are four classes with the total of 144 students. At first, they were given the theory of safety riding by bapak Sukoedi, the coach of safety riding Honda Central Java. Continued by the practice of safety riding in front of the school library.

Ibu Arnik, as the coach of safety riding SMK N 1 Tengaran, explained that the program’s slogan was “Bangga Menjadi Generasi#Cari_Aman”. She continued that Foster (Forum Safety Riding SMKN 1 Tengaran) already had some programs such as safety riding education for junior high school students, Jambore Jawa Tengah, followed safety riding competition and won fifth place. She hoped that students can ride safely and also obey traffic regulations.

Bapak Sukoedi as the coach of safety riding Honda Central Java, stated that safety riding education is a routine program for tenth grade students. The main goal is to educate students to have awareness about the importance of riding safely. As a matter of fact, mostly students know how to ride but they haven’t known the basic knowledge of it.

He continued by giving a great appreciation for the students’ participation. The students interacted enthusiastically, paid a very deep attention for the new knowledge. Finally, he delivered a message about students’ minimum self-awareness, for example in wearing helmet. By educating, the awareness of wearing helmet will be built for the shake of self-protection. Ride safely, obey the traffic regulations.

Written by : Ninik Dwi Royani (The English teacher of SMKN 1 Tengaran)

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