XSATA (11/8). On Wednesday, August 8, 2023, there was a different atmosphere in the pastry and bakery of culinary program. The sounds of little boys and girls were heard from that place. What happened? The answer was …  a very interesting event held there entitled “Parenting Fun Cooking”.

The event was followed by 23 kindergarten students of TK Islam Tarbiyatul Banin 28 Wedilelo Karangduren. Ibu Laila, the headmaster, explained that this was the first experience for the school to have this activity. The activity derived from the topic “diri sendiri”, with sub topic “makanan kesukaan”. The menu chosen was pizza and chiffon. She said that the students and parents were very excited with the program.

The kindergarten students were very enthusiastic during the practice. Ibu Setyowati, one of parents’ participants stated that his son, Revan, was so happy and excited in learning how to make pizza. She said that the program could train the children the knowledge of making cake and also how to collaborate with friends and helped each other.

Ibu Farida Fahmalatif, as the Headmaster, delivered a message that the program could increase students’ competency especially their soft skills and also improving their self-confidence. For the teachers, as facilitators, keep on encouraging students to be more active and creative and also to have closer relationship with the society.

Written by : Ninik Dwi Royani (English teacher of SMKN 1 Tengaran)


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